(German Tele Media Law)
The content of this site has been created with the highest possible care. However, we can not guarantee the accuracy, integrity and topicality of the content. As service provider we are, pursuant to § 7 Paragraph 1 TMG (German Tele Media Law), responsible according to general law, for the self created contents of our web appearance. Nevertheless, pursuant to §§ 8 to 10 TMG we as service provider are not bound, to supervise sent or stored third party information, or to do research after circumstances which may indicate illegal activity. Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of information in accordance with legal regulations remain unaffected, even in the event of the service provider not being responsible. Nevertheless, a relevant liability can be assumed at the earliest from the time, that a concrete law infringement has been brought to our acknowledgment. Once we become aware of a legal infringement of corresponding law, we will remove these contents immediately.
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